How To Remove Squirrel In 6 Simple Steps| Handsdown

How to Remove Squirrels in 6 Simple Steps with Handsdown

Squirrels can be a nuisance when they enter your home or property. They can cause damage to your insulation, wiring, and other materials. Fortunately, there are ways to remove them without having to resort to lethal methods. Here are 6 simple steps that you can take to get rid of squirrels from your home or property.

1. Identify the Entry Points

The first step in removing squirrels is to identify where they are entering your home or property. Look for holes in the roof, siding, and eaves of your house. You may also want to check for any gaps around windows and doors that may be allowing them access. Once you have identified the entry points, you can begin sealing them up with hardware cloth or other materials.

2. Set Up Traps

Once you have sealed up the entry points, you can set up traps around the perimeter of your home or property. There are a variety of traps available on the market that will help capture squirrels without harming them. Be sure to check with local wildlife regulations before setting any traps as some areas may require permits for trapping animals.

3. Use Repellents

Repellents such as mothballs and ammonia-soaked rags can be used to deter squirrels from entering your home or property. Place these items near entry points and around the perimeter of your home or property for best results. Be sure not to use too much as it could cause an unpleasant odor in your home or yard.

4. Remove Food Sources

Squirrels are attracted to food sources such as bird feeders and pet food dishes left outside unattended. Removing these items will help reduce their presence on your property as they will no longer have access to an easy meal source.

5. Trim Trees & Shrubs

Trimming trees and shrubs away from the sides of buildings will help reduce their ability to gain access into attics and other areas of your home or property where they may nest or hide out during the day time hours when they are less active outdoors due to predators such as hawks and owls hunting them down during daylight hours .

6 Hire Professional Help

If all else fails, it may be time to hire professional help from a company like Handsdown Pro who specialize in humane removal services all across the United States . They will be able to assess the situation and provide a tailored solution for getting rid of squirrels from your home or property quickly and safely . In conclusion , there are several steps that you can take in order remove squirrels from your home or property . Identifying entry points , setting up traps , using repellents , removing food sources , trimming trees & shrubs , and hiring professional help are all effective methods for getting rid of squirrels quickly & safely .




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